Thursday, June 11, 2009


Alcoholism Overview

Alcohol problems vary in severity from mild to life threatening and affect the individual, the person's family, and society in numerous adverse ways. Despite all of the focus on drugs such as cocaine, alcohol remains the number one drug problem in the United States. According to community surveys, over 13% of adults in the United States will experience alcohol abuse or dependence (also referred to as alcoholism) at some point in their lives.
Withdrawal, for those physically dependent on alcohol, is much more dangerous than withdrawal from
heroin or other narcotic drugs.
Alcohol abuse refers to excessive or problematic use with one or more of the following:
Failure to fulfill major obligations at work, school, or home
Recurrent use in situations where it is hazardous (such as driving a car or operating machinery)
Legal problems
Continued use of alcohol despite having social, family, or interpersonal problems caused by or worsened by drinking
Alcohol dependence refers to a more serious disorder and involves excessive or maladaptive use leading to 3 or more of the following:
Tolerance changes (need for more to achieve desired effect, or achieving the effect with lesser amounts of alcohol)
Withdrawal symptoms following a reduction or cessation of drinking (such as sweating, rapid pulse, tremors, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, agitation, anxiety, or seizures) or using alcohol to avoid withdrawal symptoms (for example, early morning drinking)
Drinking more alcohol or drinking over a longer period of time than intended (loss of control)
Inability to cut down or stop
Spending a great deal of time drinking or recovering from its effects
Giving up important social, occupational, or recreational activities
Continuing to drink despite knowing alcohol use has caused or worsened problems

Alcoholism Causes
The cause of alcoholism is not well established. There is growing evidence for
genetic and biologic predispositions for this disease, but this research is controversial. Studies examining adopted children have shown that children of alcoholic biological parents have an increased risk of becoming alcoholics. Relatively recent research has implicated a gene (D2 dopamine receptor gene) that, when inherited in a specific form, might increase a person's chance of developing alcoholism. Twice as many men are alcoholics. And 10-23% of alcohol-consuming individuals are considered alcoholics.
Usually, a variety of factors contribute to the development of a problem with alcohol. Social factors such as the influence of family, peers, and society, and the availability of alcohol, and psychological factors such as elevated levels of
stress, inadequate coping mechanisms, and reinforcement of alcohol use from other drinkers can contribute to alcoholism. Also, the factors contributing to initial alcohol use may vary from those maintaining it, once the disease develops.

Alcoholism Symptoms

Alcoholism is a disease. It is often diagnosed more through behaviors and adverse effects on functioning than by specific medical symptoms. Only 2 of the diagnostic criteria are physiological (those are tolerance changes and withdrawal symptoms).
Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are associated with a broad range of medical,
psychiatric, social, legal, occupational, economic, and family problems. For example, parental alcoholism underlies many family problems such as divorce, spouse abuse, child abuse and neglect, welfare dependence, and criminal behaviors, according to government sources.
The great majority of alcoholics go unrecognized by physicians and health care professionals. This is largely because of the alcoholic's ability to conceal the amount and frequency of drinking, denial of problems caused by or made worse by drinking, the gradual
onset of the disease, and the body's ability to adapt to increasing alcohol amounts.
Family members often deny or minimize alcohol problems and unwittingly contribute to the continuation of alcoholism by well-meaning behaviors such as shielding the alcoholic from adverse consequences of drinking or taking over family or economic responsibilities. Often the drinking behavior is concealed from loved ones and health care providers.
Alcoholics, when confronted, will often deny excess consumption of alcohol. Alcoholism is a diverse disease and is often influenced by the alcoholic's personality as well as by other factors. Therefore, signs and symptoms often vary from person to person. There are, however, certain behaviors and signs that
indicate someone may have a problem with alcohol. These behaviors and signs include insomnia, frequent falls, bruises of different ages, blackouts, chronic depression, anxiety, irritability, tardiness or absence at work or school, loss of employment, divorce or separation, financial difficulties, frequent intoxicated appearance or behavior, weight loss, or frequent automobile collisions.
Late signs and symptoms include medical conditions such as
pancreatitis, gastritis, cirrhosis, neuropathy, anemia, cerebellar atrophy, alcoholic cardiomyopathy (heart disease), Wernicke's encephalopathy (abnormal brain functioning), Korsakoff's dementia, central pontine myelinolysis (brain degeneration), seizures, confusion, malnutrition, hallucinations, peptic ulcers, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Compared with children in families without alcoholism, children of alcoholics are at increased risk for alcohol abuse, drug abuse, conduct problems, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders. Alcoholic individuals have a higher risk of psychiatric disorders and suicide. They often experience guilt, shame, and depression, especially when their alcohol use leads to significant losses (for example, job, relationships, status, economic security, or physical health). Many medical problems are caused by or made worse by alcoholism as well as by the alcoholic's poor adherence to medical treatment.

Alcoholism Treatment

Self-Care at Home

Alcoholism is best treated by professionals trained in
addiction medicine. Physicians and other health care workers are best suited to manage alcohol withdrawal and the medical disorders associated with alcoholism.
In fact, home therapy
without supervision by a trained professional may be life threatening because of complications from alcohol withdrawal syndrome
. Usually an alcoholic will experience alcohol withdrawal 6-8 hours after cutting down or stopping alcohol consumption.
Several levels of care are available to treat alcoholism. Medically managed hospital-based detoxification and
programs are used for more severe cases of dependence that occur with medical and psychiatric complications. Medically monitored detoxification and rehabilitation programs are used for people who are dependent on alcohol and who do not require more closely supervised medical care. The purpose of detoxification is to safely withdraw the alcoholic from alcohol and to help him or her enter a treatment program. The purpose of a rehabilitation program is to help the alcoholic accept the disease, begin to develop skills for sober living, and get enrolled in ongoing treatment and self-help programs. Most detoxification programs last just a few days. Most medically managed or monitored rehabilitation programs last less than 2 weeks.
Many alcoholics benefit from longer-term rehabilitation programs, day treatment programs, or
utpatient programs. These programs involve education, therapy, addressing problems contributing to or resulting from the alcoholism, and learning skills to manage the alcoholism over time.
These skills include, but are not limited to, the following:
Learning to identify and manage cravings to drink alcohol
Resisting social pressures to engage in
ubstance use
Changing health care habits and lifestyle (for example, improving diet and
sleep hygiene, and avoiding high-risk people, places, and events)
Learning to challenge alcoholic thinking (thoughts such as, I need a drink to fit in, have fun, or deal with stress)
Developing a recovery support system and learning how to reach out for help and support from others (for example, from members of self-help programs)
Learning to deal with emotions (anger, anxiety, boredom, depression) and stressors without reliance on alcohol
Identifying and managing
relapse warning signs before alcohol is used
Anticipating the possibility of relapse and addressing high-risk relapse factors